Friday, 18 November 2011

Notes on the 'History of Photography'.

[Notes Taken During Video]

We know that photography has been around for over 170 years, and have been printed on all manners of things from paper, metal, glass to tin.

Photography is used to provoke thought. The most common examples to be used to back this is how it is used for propaganda, family memories and capturing distant and interesting lands into a single slip of paper.

To really understand where Photography started, we need to go back to the year of 1839 where the 'Camera obscura' was first invented. The Camera obscura was a pin-hole camera which projected light from a window through the hole which was placed in the centre of a black sheet stuck over it - this projected the image of the outside view from the window into the room, yet upside down on the opposite wall. This was because of how the light expanded when it entered the room - a totally natural way of photography.

Although, people only started showing them in the 19th century, and many of the viewers were absolutely certain that these were paintings - and very detailed and accurate ones at that. They even came up with the theory that these 'paintings' were painted incredibly quickly and were said to be "looking through a glass world".


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