Friday, 25 November 2011

Manipulated Images

 'Escape Button'
I edited this image with close reference to my previous post; trying to make it seem like a lifeline or an actual way to 'escape'.
I used different brushes with different occupacity to outline the button itself in faded darkness - I then used the Gaussain blur to fade each different part of the blackness together so they're able to connect to create an overwhelming darkness which helps the effect in the previous analysis, though leaving a little lighter 'glow' of wood around the main focus which is the button.
I used the eraser to create highlights around the side of the button. 
Lastly, I covered up the blurry text which was unreadable with some text (Courier New, I think) which I also blurred to make it fit with the rest of the picture.

'Snake and Mouse' 
I did use only one filter for this picture (Chalk and Charcoal) which I darkened the shadows and lightened the highlights with added effects.

'The Teacher in his Domain'
I simply used just one layer on this picture, too.
Cutout - the name of the filter - gives the image a far happier & childish look - the main reason I simply added the filter and did not edit it further.

All Images edited in Photoshop and Taken by Francesca Fisher

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