Friday, 25 November 2011

Manipulated Images

 'Escape Button'
I edited this image with close reference to my previous post; trying to make it seem like a lifeline or an actual way to 'escape'.
I used different brushes with different occupacity to outline the button itself in faded darkness - I then used the Gaussain blur to fade each different part of the blackness together so they're able to connect to create an overwhelming darkness which helps the effect in the previous analysis, though leaving a little lighter 'glow' of wood around the main focus which is the button.
I used the eraser to create highlights around the side of the button. 
Lastly, I covered up the blurry text which was unreadable with some text (Courier New, I think) which I also blurred to make it fit with the rest of the picture.

'Snake and Mouse' 
I did use only one filter for this picture (Chalk and Charcoal) which I darkened the shadows and lightened the highlights with added effects.

'The Teacher in his Domain'
I simply used just one layer on this picture, too.
Cutout - the name of the filter - gives the image a far happier & childish look - the main reason I simply added the filter and did not edit it further.

All Images edited in Photoshop and Taken by Francesca Fisher

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Photos Taken in Classroom (different shots)

Medium Shot 
The Shot consists of Mr.Page 'dancing' as he explains the task to the other pupils in my class.
The shot is taken over the table and towards the front of the classroom.
I think it shows the authority and the 'main figure' of the classroom is clearly the teacher and the pupils are simply the 'sidelines'.

The shot is taken over the iMac mouse and towards the cable of Becky's camera.
The main focus is the camera cable and it seems to be in a snake-like position.
To look at it in a different way, the mouse is the pray and the snake-wire in the background is the predator, waiting to attack its next meal. Except, this is in the form of technology.

Extreme Close-up
The photo is a shot of the corner of the mac keyboard - the switch that says 'esc' or 'escape'.
It could be looked at like its on the ceiling, because of how the camera was used upside-down.
The blurriness could add effect (even though it wasn't intended, my phone just has a fairly bad zoom), in the idea that this person looking at this has had a blow to the head or something similar to make their eye-sight a little worse - so they need to 'escape'.

Ideas for Initial Photos

Extreme Close-Up: Buttons, Switches, stationary, graffiti on tables. (not really wanting to go with the ordinary facial features, etc.)

Close-up: Similar ideas to the extreme close-up; some sort of inanimate object with a different angle. Perhaps focusing on the technology of the room.

Medium shot: Angle over the table - looking over the rest of the room. May go for a human/human activity for this shot.

Friday, 18 November 2011

My Progress

Upon my blog, I feel that I've posted quite a lot of work already.
The macs have been down and the internet is slow when everyone is on the macs - but we always seem to find a way around this and get at least some work done.

Shot angles and the analysis of the photos that Becky, Megan and I have completed, I feel, are at a good standard though we could revisit them to add more detail if we really wanted.

However, I do need to play around with my blog more to get it exactly how I want it and perhaps use some of my own photography to use as a background, as well as using more features on Blogger to display my blog how I really want it to be and function.

Notes on the 'History of Photography'.

[Notes Taken During Video]

We know that photography has been around for over 170 years, and have been printed on all manners of things from paper, metal, glass to tin.

Photography is used to provoke thought. The most common examples to be used to back this is how it is used for propaganda, family memories and capturing distant and interesting lands into a single slip of paper.

To really understand where Photography started, we need to go back to the year of 1839 where the 'Camera obscura' was first invented. The Camera obscura was a pin-hole camera which projected light from a window through the hole which was placed in the centre of a black sheet stuck over it - this projected the image of the outside view from the window into the room, yet upside down on the opposite wall. This was because of how the light expanded when it entered the room - a totally natural way of photography.

Although, people only started showing them in the 19th century, and many of the viewers were absolutely certain that these were paintings - and very detailed and accurate ones at that. They even came up with the theory that these 'paintings' were painted incredibly quickly and were said to be "looking through a glass world".


Genius Of Photography - 1

Photo Angles

Shot Angle

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Mr Page

Congratulations on getting your Blog to work!
Excellent photo analysis coupled with, shall we say, an original introduction! Clearly you enjoy working within the Blogging medium (which means I like your style!). Well done.
Mr Page

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The meaning of life is...

Unfortunately, I can't tell you the meaning of life.

However, I can tell you the purpose of this blog.
Well, first off, Mr.Page told us that we needed to create a blog. - 'Great!' Becky & I exclaimed. 'Why?' you may be asking yourself - Well...

I'm taking media vocational for one of my GCSE options - as I've always been interested in the media-world around us.

So, we're currently starting a unit of photography.
This blog will allow us to post all of our work on the internet so if the iMacintosh-s do crash - as they often do - we'll be able to access them on any computer by posting it online.

And there we have it.
Welcome to Witty Title - because I couldn't think of anything better.

What makes a good photo?

What Makes a Good Photo?

Friday, 4 November 2011